Our laboratory has been conducting researches mainly in Robot Audition and Environment Understanding since we
started as Nakadai Laboratory in 2006.
In July 2017, we launched the next-generation AI robotics research alliance laboratory with Honda Research
Institute Japan Co., Ltd. (HRI-JP), and to create a novel research field that integrates AI/machine
learning, robotics, and signal/speech processing, in addition to our core research in robot audition and
auditory scene analysis. In April 2021, we change the name of laboratory to the “next-generation Intelligent
Communication and Social Interaction (ICSI) Research Alliance Laboratory” and start our research with a new
In addition to the core research topics such as robot audition, computational auditory scene analysis, and
their integration with AI and robotics, we aim to build next-generation technologies applicable to
intelligent communication and social interaction.
For the benefits of joint research laboratory, we have a system that enables students who have been assigned
to this laboratory to proceed in their researches not only in this university but also in HRI-JP. We operate
our laboratory in cooperation with Imura Laboratory and Hayakawa Laboratory.